Our Team

  • Suzie Mattison

    Certified Nurse Practitioner | Certified Injector | Medical Director | Owner

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    I love spending time with my husband, son, fur babies and friends. I enjoy gardening and making salsa.

    Can you share a memorable moment or success from a past client you had?

    Just seeing people feel better about themselves and boosting their self confidence.

  • Stephanie Hoehle

    Manager & Office Administrator

    What is your favorite service at Platinum Cosmetics?

    I have to many spa service favorites! But I love massage and facials. Whether you’re under the weather, stressed or just need to relax these are two great options! I also love me a little lip filler and Botox😍

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    Outside of the spa I enjoy spending time with my 3 boys and enjoying summer at the lakes, swimming and kayaking and camping! I love to garden and love all sorts of plants.

  • Katie Marko

    Advanced Practice Aesthetician with Laser Certification

    What is your favorite service at Platinum Cosmetics?

    My favorite service that we offer is derma planing! It is great for everyone. All my clients that get it, become obsessed with the result, you will leave here feeling smooth and hydrated!

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    Outside of work, I love to spend time with friends and family on the lake!

  • Sharon Fortier


    What is your favorite service at Platinum Cosmetics?

    I love being a part of platinum cosmetics as it gives me so much joy seeing our clients so happy with the results they get from coming to Platinum

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    My greatest joy in life is my family. I have 4 children and 8 soon to be 9 grandchildren. They bring me so much happiness. I enjoy gardening especially flowers.

  • Gretchen Miller

    Certified Massage Therapist

    What inspired you to pursue a career in the medspa industry?

    I perused massage therapy because as a nurse I was tired of seeing over ailment treated with medication vs natural methods.

    Can you share a memorable moment or success from a past client you had?

    One of my favorite client stories is that a woman had to take daily round the clock narcotics for her chronic back pain, and with massage sessions she was able to significantly cut down to only using them when there was a flare up pain. Massage also helped her with sleep and headaches which was just an added benefit to her massage sessions

  • Maria Rauch

    Certified Injector | LPN

    What is your favorite service at Platinum Cosmetics?

    My favorite service that we offer is our injectables - neurotoxin & facial fillers. I have always been an advocate of bringing our best selves forward. If there is something that is not the favorite part of ourselves and we can change that w neurotoxin and or facial fillers then let’s! One client in particular didn’t really know what she wanted/needed but after a cheek facial filler appointment she said, “wow! I didn’t know that’s what I needed.” It was a very incredible feeling to have helped with that.

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    Hobbies outside of work include gardening, hanging out with my family & fur babies, working out - I love kickboxing with my fierce group of ladies or peddling on the elliptical and weight training.

  • Jessica Kuhlmann

    Advanced Practice Esthetician

    What inspired you to pursue a career in the medspa industry?

    I was always passionate about skin since I was young. I wanted to know how to get clear flawless skin. The skincare in the department stores always intrigued me.

    What is your favorite service at Platinum Cosmetics?

    I'd have to say my favorite service is dermaplaning. It's very satisfying to get every inch exfoliates and the vellus hair removed. Kinda go with Waxing also..

  • Melinda Clark-Lattimer

    Certified Massage Therapist

    What inspired you to pursue a career in the medspa industry?

    Over the years, I have specialized in helping many people find optimal wellness. I enjoy creating a comfortable and relaxing environment to help promote healing and wellness. I specialize in therapeutic massage techniques, including Swedish, deep tissue, acupressure, and integrated therapies.

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics what are some hobbies and interests that you have?

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics, I'm usually on the soccer fields either watching my kids play or help by team managing. I love the outdoors, drawing and being with my family.

  • Kiara Burkhalter


    What inspired you to pursue a career in the medspa industry?

    I was inspired to purse a career in the med spa industry to empower others and help them feel beautiful in their own skin!

    Outside of Platinum Cosmetics, what are some hobbies or interests that you have?

    I enjoy shopping, spending time on the lake, and spending time with my family and friends!